Homemade Coconut Cream

Part 2: Making Greek Yogurt

Gluten Free Pizza
If you've been searching for a simple yet delicious recipe for gluten-free pizza dough but aren't thrilled with cauliflower crusts, then look no further! We've been searching and experimenting with different recipes for a while now and this one really does a good job of satisfying that pizza craving! Before you start, here are [...]

Finally, An Easy Way to Lose Weight Without Starving!
Have you heard about the Ketogenic Diet? Did you know that you can be a Vegan and reap the many benefits of a low carb, high fat Keto diet too! Yes, Vegan Keto is possible! But isn't fat bad for us? Actually, fats are good for us; the good fats are. Too many carbs, [...]

FAQ About Nut Milk Bags: Everything You Need to Know
We like to start out each year helping our readers with their New Year's health resolutions. We search out the most convenient and of course delicious options we can find after the holiday splurging. What seems to commonly occur, however, is that our healthy habits do not always extend throughout the year. One popular food [...]

Pecan Pie Tarts
These unbelievably delicious tarts are as good as you want a pecan pie to be but without the guilt and sugar hangover you get from traditional pecan pie. They are paleo, gluten free, ketogenic and all around amazing! Ingredients Crust: 2 cups almond flour (see post on How To Make Almond Flour with [...]

How To Make Almond Flour
What you will need: A blender or food processor Your Bigger Better Nut Milk Bag Storage container for flour Directions: Spread out your almond meal (left in the bag after filtering out the milk) loosely on a baking pan. Bake at the lowest temperature your oven will go(for me, that is 170F) for 3-4 [...]