Recipes & Blog / Diet
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- almond pulp
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- almond pulp recipe
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- banana bread
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- nut butter
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- nut milks
- Nut Pulp
- nutmilk bag
- Oat Milk
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- Pink Pitaya Powder
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- probiotics
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- protein shake
- Pulp
- pulp cookies
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- pumpkin puree
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- raw almonds
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- recipe
- Recipes
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- roasted potatoes
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- silk almond milk
- smoothie
- smoothie blend
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- Smoothie recipe
- smoothiebowl
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- spirulina
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- strawberry
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- summer
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- summer drinks
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- Uncategorized
- Vanilla Protein
- vegan
- vegan baking
- vegan breakfast
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- vegan recipe
- vegan recipes
- vegan smoothie
- vegetarian
- vegetarian breakfast
- walnuts
- water
- wellness
- white chocolate
- witch hazel
- yogurt

Shirataki Noodles with Almond Butter Sauce
Here's an easy-to-make low-carb noodle dish with an Asian flare.
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Rustic Herb Roasted Almonds
Need a delicious snack that you know is totally healthy? Everyone does. You can buy plenty of these options at the store, but ask yourself, "What is really in that seasoning?" This recipe is so easy to do at home, you'll be shocked. And poof, the guilt is gone and you can feel sure about what you're putting into your body.Â
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Finally, An Easy Way to Lose Weight Without Starving!
Have you heard about the Ketogenic Diet? Did you know that you can be a Vegan and reap the many benefits of a low carb, high fat Keto diet too! Yes, Vegan Keto is possible! But isn't fat bad for us? Actually, fats are good for us; the good fats are. Too many carbs, [...]