Rustic Herb Roasted Almonds

Mulling Spice Sugar Scrub

Soaking Chart for Different Nuts

Homemade Coconut Cream

Part 2: Making Greek Yogurt

Oil Pulling: Why It’s Not Just a Health Craze
Chances are that by now you have heard of oil pulling, not just because it’s a 3,000 year-old ayurvedic medicine practice, but because there are literally millions of blogs about it on the internet. At that volume, its pretty safe to say that oil pulling is a health craze, but it’s not just that. It’s [...]

FAQ About Nut Milk Bags: Everything You Need to Know
We like to start out each year helping our readers with their New Year's health resolutions. We search out the most convenient and of course delicious options we can find after the holiday splurging. What seems to commonly occur, however, is that our healthy habits do not always extend throughout the year. One popular food [...]

How To Make Almond Flour
What you will need: A blender or food processor Your Bigger Better Nut Milk Bag Storage container for flour Directions: Spread out your almond meal (left in the bag after filtering out the milk) loosely on a baking pan. Bake at the lowest temperature your oven will go(for me, that is 170F) for 3-4 [...]