Blue Spirulina Smoothie
Would you just look at that rich blue color? You know what they say, eat a rainbow! 💙 Hope you all enjoy this healthy and simple blue smoothie
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We like to start out each year helping our readers with their New Year's health resolutions. We search out the most convenient and of course delicious options we can find after the holiday splurging. What seems to commonly occur, however, is that our healthy habits do not always extend throughout the year. One popular food [...]
Tis the season for pumpkin spice everything! This recipe is for a delicious pumpkin spice pistachio nut milk. I regularly make nut milks, usually almond or cashew, but decided to branch out and try something different this time. And I'm so happy I did! This pistachio nut milk recipe is sooooo delicious. I'm feeling festive [...]