Cookie Monster Yogurt Bark
Our Blue Spirulina makes every recipe more exciting 🍪💙
Have you heard about the Ketogenic Diet? Did you know that you can be a Vegan and reap the many benefits of a low carb, high fat Keto diet too! Yes, Vegan Keto is possible! But isn't fat bad for us? Actually, fats are good for us; the good fats are. Too many carbs, [...]
What you will need: A blender or food processor Your Bigger Better Nut Milk Bag Storage container for flour Directions: Spread out your almond meal (left in the bag after filtering out the milk) loosely on a baking pan. Bake at the lowest temperature your oven will go(for me, that is 170F) for 3-4 [...]
We’ve all had the experience of eating something thought to be healthy only to discover that it wasn’t actually healthy? It’s a learning process for sure. In order to avoid eating too much animal fats & proteins, hormones and pesticides like hundreds of millions of other people in the world, I [...]
If you are new to making nut milk and you want to get started the first thing you need to know is how long to soak those nuts! The times vary greatly depending on the type of nut. You will also find that the pulp output can vary quite a bit as well. Here is [...]
Ingredients 2 eggs 2 ripe bananas 3 Tbsp agave nectar 2 Tbsp maple syrup 3 Tbsp fresh almond milk 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp baking powder 1 cup almond meal (left over from making almond milk) ½ cup oat flour (grind up oats in a bullet or food processor) ½ cup raw walnuts Instructions [...]