Homemade Almond Meal Granola

Homemade Almond Meal Granola


*Note*  We made almond milk using 2 cups of almonds. The remains of the strained (using @elliesbest nut milk bag) and blended almonds can be refrigerated and used later in smoothies, as a flour substitute in bakes, topped on yogurts and cereal, no-bake treats, or baked up like over here in a granola.


(Amounts to your liking!)

  • Ellie’s Best Raw Sweet Almonds 
  • sweetened shredded coconut
  • light brown sugar
  • oats
  • pumpkin seeds 
  • chia seeds
  • 1/3c vegetable oil 


1.We mix all with about 1/3 cup vegetable oil and spread on a baking sheet lined baking tray. We pop in the preheated oven (425F) and bake for about 20 minutes constantly checking in and mixing/re-spreading so bakes evenly (otherwise will burn).

(You can brown them to your preference. Darker yields more crunch. Just make sure to keep a close eye (or lower the oven temp) to avoid burning.)


Recipe & photo by @kitchenpedals✨

Ellie's Best

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