Firecracker Popsicles

Firecracker Popsicles


  • 1 cup chopped strawberries
  • 2 bananas
  • 7 tbsp almond milk, divided
  • 1/2 tsp blue spirulina


1. Blend the strawberries with 1 tbsp almond milk.

2.Pour in to the bottom of popsicle molds, filling about 1/3 of the mold, freeze for 15 minutes.

3.Blend the bananas with the rest of the almond milk (6 tbsp), pour half of the mixture into the molds filling another 1/3 of the mold and freeze for 15 minutes.

4.Add blue spirulina to remaining banana mixture.

5.Pour into the molds, filling to the top, place in the freezer overnight (or until the popsicles are completely frozen).

6.Run under water to help remove the popsicles (or twist with your frozen mold) and enjoy!

Recipe and photo by @healthyholme✨

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