Cinnamon Chocolate Almond Milk

Cinnamon Chocolate Almond Milk


  • 1 1/2 c Almonds
  • 3 c Drinking Water
  •  2 tbsp Cocoa Powder (I recommend
  • Dutch-processed)
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon
  •  3-4 tbsp Honey
  • Ellies Best Nut Milk Bag


1. Start by soaking your almonds in water for at least 3 hours, or overnight if possible until they're soft enough to blend. Once they're soft, rinse and strain your almonds and add them to your blender with 3 cups of fresh drinking water.


2. Add Your Flavors: Add your cocoa powder, cinnamon, and honey to your blender with your almonds and water and blend until smooth (30 seconds to 1 minute).


3. Strain Your Almond Milk: Place your nut milk bag (or a tea towel) over a large bowl and dump your cinnamon chocolate almond milk mixture into it.

Using your hands, wring out the bag until all of the liquid is strained into the bowl.


4. Transfer your Cinnamon Chocolate Almond Milk to a pouring dish with a lid and enjoy in your coffee, lattes, or even on its own!

This will keep in the refrigerator for 5 days.


Recipe & photo by @dinneratallis ✨

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